are an alternative to traditional braces and are designed to help guide teeth into their proper position. The digital transformation has taken new strides with 3D printing and 3d treatment planning in orthodontics to provide with Clear aligner therapy. With the use of sequential aligner trays teeth could be moved to the best position aesthetically and functionally just like the conventional braces yet reducing the chair-side time, discomforts and the can bid adieu to strict dietary regime that a normal orthodontic patient has to adhere to. How does this plastic thing move teeth? Most people ask this question how this thin transparent plastic sheet move teeth or does it have enough force to move teeth. some even call it a hoax as they cannot understand the technology behind it. First thing is that it is not that it is just one plastic aligner that is used but it is a series of aligners. Dr Jolly  makes a digital 3 Dimensional model on a computer and uses software to plan  and move teeth to the desired positions. One the desired position is moved it is then send to algorithm based computer software to plan the bio-mechanical advantageous movements for the specific patient using data from millions of patients that are treated already using this technology and is guide by the expert orthodontist. Once the movement video is generated it is then converted into 3D models that varies just 0.24 mm of tooth movement. once the number of 3D models are achieved, they are printed using precise 3D printing machinery. Once the 3D printed models are ready a medical grade plastic sheet heated and pressed over these models to make sequential aligners that will be packed and sent to the orthodontist to be placed on patients along with some transparent attachments that can lock these aligners into position. What has to be done by the patient to get the maximum advantage? The patient has to go to a well trained orthodontist like Dr Jolly to get the proper treatment planning because failing to plan is planning to fail. Once the plan is achieved the patient can review the plan and see whether the plan is as per their expectations and then confirm the order. Once the aligners arrive the patient has to wear it meticulously for 21 hours a day and remove them during eating and brushing of teeth. the patient has the ease in cleaning the teeth with aligners as there are very few or sometime no fixed elements on the teeth and is easy to brush the teeth when compared with other traditional braces. the patient has to wear the aligners for 7 days or for 15 days and change to the next aligner according to doctor’s plan and then visit Dr Jolly for check-up mostly after the total aligners are worn and then plan for the retention of the achieved positions of teeth. Advantages of aligners Reduced chair side or clinical time Reduced discomforts Reduced treatment time in most cases Increased aesthetics Increased hygiene Ease to speak and chew during treatment (NO DIET CONTROLS) Reduced visits to the Orthodontist Disadvantages Higher cost Patient compliance is a must, as this is a removable device this should be worn regularly to get desired results.